

Welcome to the roadmap page of my personal website! Here, I'm excited to share with you the exciting plans I have in store for the future development of my website. Below, you'll find a glimpse into the exciting features and enhancements I have planned for my website.


  • General

    • Analytics Tracking
    • Desktop Version UI/UX
    • SEO Support
    • i11n: English, Indonesia
  • Pages

    • Roadmap Page
    • WFA List
    • Uses tech Page
    • Portfolio
  • Blog

    • Notion Integrations
    • Search Function
    • Meta Data, Tags/Categories
    • Code Highlight & Comment Section
  • About Me

    • Contact Me Form
    • Work Experiences
    • Tools / Framework / Area
    • Values / Leadership styles
  • WFA List

    • List
    • Search
    • Google Maps, Instagram, Tiktok
    • Detail Page